Gran Sabana tepui

Gran Sabana tepui

The previous night was extraordinarily wet - it was almost impossible to look through the windshield. Driving was very…

Eriocaulon sp

Eriocaulon sp

These flowers seems to hover in the air from afar. Only a closer look reveals the thinnest of stems holding these soft…

Reed-stemmed Orchid (Epidendrum ibaguense)

Reed-stemmed Orchid (Epidendrum ibaguense)

Native range of reed-stemmed orchid (Epidendrum ibaguense) is Trinidad to Bolivia.

Gran Sabana flower 008

Gran Sabana flower 008

A shrub I found close to the Kaimoran Lodge. Please help me identify it - leave a comment!

Microlicia benthamiana

Microlicia benthamiana

Native range of microlicia benthamiana is the Guyana Shield.

False Meadowbeauty (Pterolepis glomerata)

False Meadowbeauty (Pterolepis glomerata)

I found this false meadowbeauty (Pterolepis glomerata) growing in a small brook close by Kamoiran lodge. Native range…

Kielmeyera sp

Kielmeyera sp

This bush was growing in the proximity of the Kaimoran lodge. Please help me identify it - leave a comment!

Bladderwort (Utricularia sp)

Bladderwort (Utricularia sp)

This tiny flower was growing close to the river (it's under water in the rainy season) behind Kamoiran lodge.

Clusia sp

Clusia sp

It's just 06:06 in the morning! After a very wet yesterday I was happy to see blue sky and a rising sun. A Clusia tree…

Mandevilla benthamii

Mandevilla benthamii

This mandevilla benthamii was rooted in a crack in the sandstone in the middle of a brook. Native range is Venezuela…

Gran Sabana butterfly 027

Gran Sabana butterfly 027

My first night on the Sabana at Kamoiran lodge was a fantastic surprise in butterfly diversity. The walls were crowded…

Cuphea sp

Cuphea sp

I found this specimen growing in the cracks of the sandstone by the river next to Kamoiran Lodge.