Kameleonkrabbeedderkopp (Misumena vatia) spiser Blomsterflue (Syrphus ribesii)

Kameleonkrabbeedderkopp (Misumena vatia) spiser Blomsterflue (Syrphus ribesii)

Jeg ser oftere kameleonkrabbeedderkoppen sitte og vente i en blomst enn slurpende på et bytte som her hvor den suger i seg innholdet av en blomsterflue.…

Kameleonkrabbeedderkopp (Misumena vatia)

Kameleonkrabbeedderkopp (Misumena vatia)

Denne edderkoppen sitter klar til å gripe fatt i insekter som er på vei til blomsten den sitter på. Den kan tilpasse kroppsfargen til omgivelsene den er i -…

Noctilucent clouds

The best noctilucent show of the season?

Tonight's Noctilucent cloud show was fast moving, bright and spectacular. Watching it is one thing, but a time-lapse of many hundreds of exposures is a totally…

Noctilucent clouds

A glimpse of noctilucent clouds

After more than a week of cloud cover, tonight started with a very bright and widespread display of NLCs. It was far south on the sky and ranged all the way to…

Noctilucent clouds

First strong noctilucent clouds of the summer

Finally a strong display of NLCs! After a heavy thunderstorm the clouds slowly dissipated and revealed NLCs. They were mostly ripples this time - like sand in…