Noctilucent clouds

The best noctilucent show of the season?

Tonight's Noctilucent cloud show was fast moving, bright and spectacular. Watching it is one thing, but a time-lapse of many hundreds of exposures is a totally…

Noctilucent clouds

A glimpse of noctilucent clouds

After more than a week of cloud cover, tonight started with a very bright and widespread display of NLCs. It was far south on the sky and ranged all the way to…

Stormarimjelle (Melampyrum pratense)

Stormarimjelle (Melampyrum pratense)

Stormarimjelle (Melampyrum pratense) er fra gammelt av også kalt engmarimjelle. Vokser vanlig her og er ganske uanselig om du ikke går nært på. Den snylter på…

Noctilucent clouds

First strong noctilucent clouds of the summer

Finally a strong display of NLCs! After a heavy thunderstorm the clouds slowly dissipated and revealed NLCs. They were mostly ripples this time - like sand in…