Palicourea rigida

Palicourea rigida

Palicourea rigida is a common shrub on the savanna. I saw several on the way to Roraima tepui, and on the way to Angel falls, where this photo was taken. This…

Angel Falls flower 002 (Retiniphyllum)

Angel Falls flower 002 (Retiniphyllum)

These flowers grow on a tree on the the last remaning soil before two rivers meet - the Kerep river (fed from Angel Falls) and Chrurun river (a tributary of…

Drimys roraimensis

Drimys roraimensis

Drimys roraimensis grows in the montane forest close to the wall of Roraima.

Notopleura crassa

Notopleura crassa

Notopleura crassa is one of many species of shrub on Roraima. Native range is the Guyana Shield.

Palicourea concinna

Palicourea concinna

Native range of palicourea concinna is the Guyana Shield.

Notopleura crassa

Notopleura crassa

Native range of notopleura crassa is the Guyana Shield.

Palicourea concinna

Palicourea concinna

I only found a handful of palicourea concinna in bloom. I assume it's endemic. The leaves remind me of the European Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea). Native…

Roraima Sundew (Drosera roraimae)

Roraima Sundew (Drosera roraimae)

Roraima Sundew (Drosera roraimae) is unique to the Roraima tepui and neighboring tepuis, and is widespread and common here. It resembles the ones growing in…

Nodding Marsh Pitcher (Heliamphora nutans)

Nodding Marsh Pitcher (Heliamphora nutans)

Nodding marsh pitcher (Heliamphora nutans) is endemic to Roraima and it's leaves are formed as cannisters and hold rainwater. When insects fall into the water…

Brocchinia tatei

Brocchinia tatei

Native range of brocchinia tatei is Venzuela and Guyana.