Angel Falls mushroom

Angel Falls mushroom

One of several species of fungus growing in the moist and dark forest surrounding the Auyantepui - the source of Angel Falls. These are growing on and outcrop…

Passiflora angusta

Passiflora angusta

Not only was this passiflora angusta in bloom, but it was also growing fruit. What color is it when ripe? Native range is the Guyana Shield.

Crepinella umbellata

Crepinella umbellata

Crepinella umbellata is perhaps the only plant on Roraima that grows to the size of a tree. It's host to a variety of vegetation and perhaps the most…

Roraima fruit 001

Roraima fruit 001

Please help me identify it - leave a comment!

Lopsided Star Orchid (Epidendrum secundum)

Lopsided Star Orchid (Epidendrum secundum)

This is the only lopsided Star Orchid (Epidendrum secundum) seed pod I found while on Roraima tepui and it's ripe and ready to open and disperse the seeds. All…

Palicourea phaneroloma

Palicourea phaneroloma

Palicourea phaneroloma is a small bush that produces these incredibly colored fruits that grows alongside the path to Roraima. Native range is the Guyana…

Tungress (Polygonum aviculare)

Tungress (Polygonum aviculare)

Tungress (Polygonum aviculare) vokser langs grusveien til Ingierstrandveien 26 og sprer seg utover som et teppe. Ser tilsynelatende ut som en blomsterløs…

Tree Heliotrope (Heliotropium arboreum)

Tree Heliotrope (Heliotropium arboreum)

Tree Heliotrope (Heliotropium arboreum) is native to Anaa and grows widespread here. I found none in bloom the few hours I was on Anaa, but my host put the…

Indian Mulberry (Morinda citrifolia)

Indian Mulberry (Morinda citrifolia)

When this fruit is ripe it turns white and smelly - some therefore call it cheese fruit! Indian Mulberry (Morinda citrifolia) is rich in carbohydrates and…

Sjøisen slipper endelig taket

Sjøisen slipper endelig taket

Vinteren 2009/2010 la fjordisen seg uvanlig tidlig, og først i kveld, 29. mars, var det tegn til at isen endelig skulle slippe taket. En kortvarig og intens…