Roraima bush toad (Oreophrynella quelchii)

Roraima bush toad (Oreophrynella quelchii)

If you haven't seen the Roraima bush toad (Oreophrynella quelchii) on top of Roraima, you have definitely heard it. Yet you might not know it's the sound of a…

Roraima rainbow

Roraima rainbow

There are countless waterfalls on and off Roraima, large and small. If the sun is out and the angle is right, a rainbow will flash as in this photo. One can…

The northern lights continued

The northern lights continued

Since the first shots at around 20:40, the clouds moved in and the northern lights slowly withdrew to the north, as if the show was over. 3 hours later while…

At last some northern lights

At last some northern lights

Seeing northern lights in the light pollution of Oslo is one thing, another is weather conditions. This autumn has not been favorable, with long periods of…

Nearly missed the northern lights!

Nearly missed the northern lights!

The forecast suggested a great show this evening. I went out and looked for the northern lights several times without seeing any, and I wasn't really…

Fredløs (Lysimachia vulgaris)

Fredløs (Lysimachia vulgaris)

Siden jeg var liten har fredløs (Lysimachia vulgaris) vokst i søkket på tomten - der vannet samler seg og renner ut i sjøen når det har regnet godt. Mange…

July Milkyway from the Anaa atoll

July Milkyway from the Anaa atoll

Going to this remote atoll in the south pacific I was in anticipation of a clear sky and no light pollution. The sky was not entirely clear, so I had to wait…

Halo (22° Circular Halo)

Halo (22° Circular Halo)

En solfylt sommerdag fikk en ekstra dimensjon med et lag cirrysskyer som brøt sollyset i regnbuens farger. Halo forårsaket av iskrystaller er enorm og dekker…

First northern lights (Aurora borealis) of 2010

First northern lights (Aurora borealis) of 2010

According to the Auroral Oval there should be strong auroras - alas! I was glimpsing what could be northern lights, but they were weak, and featureless.…