Drimys roraimensis

Drimys roraimensis

Drimys roraimensis grows in the montane forest close to the wall of Roraima.

Roraima Sundew (Drosera roraimae)

Roraima Sundew (Drosera roraimae)

Roraima Sundew (Drosera roraimae) is unique to the Roraima tepui and neighboring tepuis, and is widespread and common here. It resembles the ones growing in…

Nodding Marsh Pitcher (Heliamphora nutans)

Nodding Marsh Pitcher (Heliamphora nutans)

Nodding marsh pitcher (Heliamphora nutans) is endemic to Roraima and it's leaves are formed as cannisters and hold rainwater. When insects fall into the water…

Brocchinia tatei

Brocchinia tatei

Native range of brocchinia tatei is Venzuela and Guyana.

Orectanthe sceptrum

Orectanthe sceptrum

Orectanthe sceptrum is one of the most common plant species on Roraima. It resembles pineapple, and like pineapple it dies after blooming and setting fruit.…

Blått ordensbånd (Catocala fraxini)

Blått ordensbånd (Catocala fraxini)

Blått ordensbånd (Catocala fraxini) er en virkelig stor sommerfugl som ville inn mot stuelyset denne første kvelden i september. Den satt ikke stille mange…

Hagebåndfly (Noctua pronuba)

Hagebåndfly (Noctua pronuba)

Juli har mange varme netter, men også mørkere netter og med det behovet for å igjen slå på innebelysningen. Desverre er det en uheldig kombinasjon for…

Giant fern (Angiopteris evecta)

Giant fern (Angiopteris evecta)

In the interior and higher elevations of Moorea this giant fern (Angiopteris evecta) is common in the forest. Looking towards the sunlight from under the…