Yanacocha Reserve

Yanacocha Reserve

In the Yanacocha Reserve this time of the day the sun is high in the sky and should have warmed up the landscape. Instead the clouds are flowing thick and…

White-chinned Jacamar (Galbula tombacea)

White-chinned Jacamar (Galbula tombacea)

If you don't see this bird, you will definitely hear it. White-chinned jacamar (Galbula tombacea) sounds are simply amazing and unmistakable! It sounds like…

White-tailed Titi (Callicebus discolor)

White-tailed Titi (Callicebus discolor)

The scientific name has several English names attached to it: Red Titi and Dusky Titi, the latter used in the "Napo Wildlife Center's fauna" booklet.…

Engsmyger (Ochlodes sylvanus)

Engsmyger (Ochlodes sylvanus)

Kan ikke huske å ha sett engsmyger (Ochlodes sylvanus) før. Den var på snarvisitt i hagen, men ikke kortere enn at jeg rakk å løpe inn etter kameraet før den…