Golden-mantled Tamarin (Saguinus tripartitus)

Golden-mantled Tamarin (Saguinus tripartitus)

The golden-mantled tamarin (Saguinus tripartitus) has inspired the Anangu Quichua community, as this is the logo of Napo Wildlife Center! They are quite small…

Tristerix longibracteata

Tristerix longibracteatus

Native range of tristerix longibracteatus is Colombia to Peru. Altitude 3720 metres. Ecuador-0.325556,-78.148333

Tristerix longibracteatus

Tristerix longibracteatus

Tristerix longibracteatus is a parasitic plant, so the wonderful flowers are possible only due to the nutrients stolen from the host plant! In Europe we have…

Phlegmariurus hystrix

Phlegmariurus hystrix

Phlegmariurus hystrix is one of several species of Lycopodium at this altitude. Looks like spruce! Altitude 3450 metres. Native range is Colombia and Ecuador.…

Aetanthus nodosus

Aetanthus nodosus

The fruits of aetanthus nodosus look edible and tempting - but are they? First of all red here is not ripe - black is! Should I trust black berries from a…

Aetanthus nodosus

Aetanthus nodosus

The flowers of aetanthus nodosus have striking colors made from energy stolen from its host plant. Altitude 3450 metres. Native range is Colombia to Peru.…

Thick Firmoss (Phlegmariurus crassus)

Thick Firmoss (Phlegmariurus crassus)

Thick firmoss (Phlegmariurus crassus) is perhaps the most eye-catching of all the club and fir-mosses, and is the first I've seen that's not green. It looks…

Lusegress (Huperzia selago)

Lusegras (Huperzia selago)

Godt oppe i de høyeste og bratteste skråningen dypt inne i Delingsdalen er det mange store og flotte lusegras (Huperzia selago). Disse kom jeg over etter å ha…

Furu (Pinus sylvestris) File name: DSC_7092a.jpg

Furu (Pinus sylvestris)

Når furuen setter igang blomstringen er det bare å skalke luker og vente til det går over. Ellers vil alt dekkes av et lag gult pollen. Om det er varmt blir…