Firetip (Pyrrhopyge sp)

Firetip (Pyrrhopyge sp)

Little light is reflected, only the red and white is prominent, and only when in certain angles you'll see that it's blue and not really black. I found it in…

Nasa grandiflora

Nasa grandiflora

Nasa grandiflora has a large and conspicuous flower on a rather hostile plant! It's tempting to touch the large flower, but doing so will most likely result in…

Nasa grandiflora

Nasa grandiflora

The stinging hairs of nasa grandiflora are not easily seen on the face of the leaf, but they are there! It's the dark ones. Native range is Colombia to Peru.…

Spisslønn (Acer platanoides)

Spisslønn (Acer platanoides)

En spisslønn (Acer platanoides) med en myk, rødlig og sårbar samling blader som har brutt seg igjennom vinterens tette og beskyttende knoppkappe. Om noen få…