Mountain Wren (Troglodytes solstitialis)

Mountain Wren (Troglodytes solstitialis)

The small birds are mostly heard and not seen, and even when seen they are only seen "in-parts", as they are only visible in small holes in the dense…

Monnina crassifolia

Monnina crassifolia

My first encounter with monnina crassifolia was close to the wall of Mount Roraima in Venezuela, albeit a slender specimen compared to this incredibly vital…

Monnina crassifolia

Monnina crassifolia

My first encounter with monnina crassifolia was close to the wall of Mount Roraima in Venezuela, albeit a slender specimen compared to this incredibly vital…

Monnina crassifolia

Monnina crassifolia

Native range of monnina crassifolia is Colombia to Peru. Altitude 3720 metres.

Bellavista Lepidoptera 02

Leptophobia sp

I found this one alongside a dirt road on a ridge behind Bellavista lodge. A bright and open area receiving wind from the valleys below. Please help me…

Northern lights (Aurora borealis)

Northern lights (Aurora borealis)

Finally some intense auroas AND clear skies! It seemed at first to be only a dim band high in the northern sky, but at around 23:15 local time (21:15 UT) a…

Noctilucent clouds

August brings noctilucent clouds

A summer with absolutely no noctilucent clouds in July! The few nights with clear skies passed with little sign of them. The other nights were more or less…

Blåfjær (Polygala vulgaris)

Blåfjær (Polygala vulgaris)

Jeg trodde lenge at det kun vokste noen blåfjær (Polygala vulgaris) på oversiden langs Ingierstrandveien over tørrbakken i Sandbukta. Men i år klarte jeg å…