Napo Wildlife Center Lepidoptera 09

Kite Swallowtail (Protesilaus macrosilaus)

Kite Swallowtail (Protesilaus macrosilaus) is a large and very striking butterfly. Should be easy to identify one might think, but as allways there are many…

Field paintbrush (Castilleja arvensis)

Field paintbrush (Castilleja arvensis)

The intense and unique red of field paintbrush (Castilleja arvensis) is simply mesmerizing to me, and this specimen was the absolute grandest of them all!…

Field paintbrush (Castilleja arvensis)

Field paintbrush (Castilleja arvensis)

The intense and unique red of field paintbrush (Castilleja arvensis) is simply mesmerizing to me, and this specimen was the absolute grandest of them all!…

Field paintbrush (Castilleja arvensis)

Field paintbrush (Castilleja arvensis)

The color of the infloresence is incredibly attractive - to me and insects alike. The red leaves are nothing more than indicators or flags - the real flower…

Kjerteløyentrøst (Euphrasia stricta)

Kjerteløyentrøst (Euphrasia stricta)

Kjerteløyentrøst (Euphrasia stricta) vokser i tørrbakken i svingen opp til Bjørnsrud gård på Svartskog og skiller seg ut fra andre blomster i tørrbakken, så…

Stormarimjelle (Melampyrum pratense)

Stormarimjelle (Melampyrum pratense)

I år virker det som det fuktige været har satt i gang en overdådig fremvekst av stormarimjelle (Melampyrum pratense). Enkelte plasser er de nesten dominerende…