Napo Wildlife Center Lepidoptera 11

Swallowtail Moth (Urania leilus)

Swallowtail Moth (Urania leilus) is an incredible butterfly that is actually a day flying (diurnal) moth! Not only a spectacular size and coloration, but it…

Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis)

Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis)

I wonder what insects are able to digest or damage this Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis) which has covered itself in dense hairs…

Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis)

Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis)

The sticky petals of the Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis) will make a very unpleasant trip for any insects wanting to eat or lay…

Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis)

Galápagos passion flower (Passiflora vesicaria galapagensis)

What an incredible shape of the sepals! It seems like a stupendous form of art - but this one is alive and stays so well into the ripening of the fruit, which…

Draconid meteors and Northern lights (Aurora borealis)

Draconid meteors and Northern lights (Aurora borealis)

The Draconid meteors are generally faint, so with a near full moon the amount seen this night were few and far between. Being inside the huge dome of Oslo's…

Draconid meteors

Draconid meteors

This is a composite of 14 exposures that all contain one or more Draconids, making the dotted star trails. As Oslo and the near full moon strongly pollutes the…

Rødbrun høstlibelle (Sympetrum striolatum)

Rødbrun høstlibelle (Sympetrum striolatum)

Det er mange av rødbrun høstlibelle (Sympetrum striolatum) i området langs Gjersøelven og bortover grusveien mot Bjørnrud. Denne hunnen solte seg på grusveien…