South American Common Toad (Rhinella margaritifera)

South American Common Toad (Rhinella margaritifera)

South American common toad (Rhinella margaritifera) is a tiny toad that's impossible to spot when still, and even when it's moving it can be hard, as it's…

South American Common Toad (Rhinella margaritifera)

South American Common Toad (Rhinella margaritifera)

South American common toad (Rhinella margaritifera) is a tiny toad that's impossible to spot when still, and even when it's moving it can be hard, as it's…

Galápagos Dove (Zenaida galapagoensis)

Galápagos Dove (Zenaida galapagoensis)

I'm used to wary and nervous doves, but as this is Galapagos, this Galápagos dove (Zenaida galapagoensis) barely made any change in behavior due to the human…


Halo (22° Circular Halo)

Altitude 3083 metres. See Atmospheric Optics for more on halo and how it forms. -0.361389,-78.149167

Draconid meteors and Northern lights (Aurora borealis)

Draconid meteors and Northern lights (Aurora borealis)

The Draconid meteors are generally faint, so with a near full moon the amount seen this night were few and far between. Being inside the huge dome of Oslo's…

Draconid meteors

Draconid meteors

This is a composite of 14 exposures that all contain one or more Draconids, making the dotted star trails. As Oslo and the near full moon strongly pollutes the…

Northern lights (Aurora borealis)

Northern lights (Aurora borealis)

Finally some intense auroas AND clear skies! It seemed at first to be only a dim band high in the northern sky, but at around 23:15 local time (21:15 UT) a…

Skogfagermose (Plagiomnium affine)

Skogfagermose (Plagiomnium affine)

Først ved virkelig nærsyn kan man se de fantastiske strukturene i bladverket - som er nesten gjennomsiktig. Det er også da man kan se taggene i bladkanten.…

Bekkerundmose (Rhizomnium punctatum)

Bekkerundmose (Rhizomnium punctatum)

Bekkerundmose (Rhizomnium punctatum) vokser i Delingsdalen - disse ved demningen over Ingierstrand bad. På bakken er det mange uanselige småvekster som ved…