Nodding Nixie (Apteria aphylla)

Nodding Nixie (Apteria aphylla)

Native range of nodding nixie (Apteria aphylla) is suptropical to tropical America.

Giant glasswing (Methona confusa)

Giant glasswing (Methona confusa)

Thanks to Kim Garwood for identification! Ecuador-0.048717,-78.775198

Clearwing (Greta genus)

Clearwing (Greta genus)

Thanks to Kim Garwood for helping in identification! Ecuador-0.048717,-78.775198

Mindo Leptidoptera 02

Menapis Tigerwing (Mechanitis menapis mantineus)

Thanks to Kim Garwood for identification! Ecuador-0.048717,-78.775198

Ildgullvinge (Lycaena phlaeas)

Ildgullvinge (Lycaena phlaeas)

På denne solfylte og vindstille dagen var det store mengder sommerfulger i denne åkerdylleengen på stranden til nummer 4. Neslesommerfuglen var i desidert…