Yanacocha Reserve

Yanacocha Reserve

In the Yanacocha Reserve this time of the day the sun is high in the sky and should have warmed up the landscape. Instead the clouds are flowing thick and…

South American Common Toad (Rhinella margaritifera)

South American Common Toad (Rhinella margaritifera)

South American common toad (Rhinella margaritifera) is a tiny toad that's impossible to spot when still, and even when it's moving it can be hard, as it's…

South American Common Toad (Rhinella margaritifera)

South American Common Toad (Rhinella margaritifera)

South American common toad (Rhinella margaritifera) is a tiny toad that's impossible to spot when still, and even when it's moving it can be hard, as it's…

Macleania rupestris

Macleania rupestris

This is an epiphytic plant. Native range of macleania rupestris is Nicaragua to Venezuela and Bolivia. Altitude 3083 metres. -0.361389,-78.149167…

Macleania rupestris

Macleania rupestris

This is an epiphytic plant. Native range of macleania rupestris is Nicaragua to Venezuela and Bolivia. Altitude 3083 metres. -0.361389,-78.149167…

Gaultheria myrsinoides

Gaultheria myrsinoides

Native range of gaultheria myrsinoides is is Mexico to northwestern Argentina. Altitude 3450 metres. Ecuador-0.355556,-78.151111

Gaultheria myrsinoides

Gaultheria myrsinoides

Gaultheria myrsinoides is one of very few species with purple fruits. Altitude 3450 metres. Native range is is Mexico to northwestern Argentina.



Pleurothallis orchids are unusual in that the flower seems to grow straight out of the leaf. -0.117222,-78.589722



I found 2 groups of two species of Pleurothallis. The other one had an even darker brown color, but unfortunately I did not photograph it. Both are located at…

Krattbærmåler (Eulithis testata)

Krattbærmåler (Eulithis testata)

Krattbærmåler (Eulithis testata) er en relativt stor nattsommerfugl som her sitter på utsiden av stuevinduet. Om sensommer og høst er innelyset og vinduene en…