Yanacocha Reserve

Yanacocha Reserve

In the Yanacocha Reserve this time of the day the sun is high in the sky and should have warmed up the landscape. Instead the clouds are flowing thick and…

Godart's Numberwing (Catagramma pygas)

Godart’s Numberwing (Catagramma pygas)

I only saw Godart's numberwing (Catagramma pygas) once - at least with wings open. Most I saw of this species had their wings closed, thus I only saw the…

South American Common Toad (Rhinella margaritifera)

South American Common Toad (Rhinella margaritifera)

South American common toad (Rhinella margaritifera) is a tiny toad that's impossible to spot when still, and even when it's moving it can be hard, as it's…

South American Common Toad (Rhinella margaritifera)

South American Common Toad (Rhinella margaritifera)

South American common toad (Rhinella margaritifera) is a tiny toad that's impossible to spot when still, and even when it's moving it can be hard, as it's…

White-chinned Jacamar (Galbula tombacea)

White-chinned Jacamar (Galbula tombacea)

If you don't see this bird, you will definitely hear it. White-chinned jacamar (Galbula tombacea) sounds are simply amazing and unmistakable! It sounds like…

Eurota Purplewing (Eunica eurota)

Eurota Purplewing (Eunica eurota)

Eurota purplewing (Eunica eurota) is one of many wonderful species alongside the river bank of the Napo Wildlife Center welcome center. Like many species also…

Agathina Emperor (Doxocopa agathina)

Agathina Emperor (Doxocopa agathina)

I'm grateful to have gotten a shot of this wonderful agathina emperor (Doxocopa agathina). I only saw it here this once on the muddy grounds of the Napo…

Perilla crescent (Castilia perilla)

Perilla crescent (Castilia perilla)

I only saw the perilla crescent (Castilia perilla), and it was in the darkest areas alongside the Napo River and the path to the Napo Wildlife welcome center.…

Sandbar Purplewing (Eunica concordia)

Sandbar Purplewing (Eunica concordia)

I only saw the sandbar purplewing (Eunica concordia) once. Here sitting on the outside of the Anangu Quichua Community's souvenir hut - close to the welcome…

Napo Wildlife Center Lepidoptera 02

Malachite (Siproeta stelenes)

A malachite (Siproeta stelenes) sitting on the outside of the Anangu Quichua Community’s souvenir hut – close to the welcome center. This is an opening in the…