Scarlet Peacock (Anartia amathea)

Scarlet Peacock (Anartia amathea)

Scarlet Peacock (Anartia amathea) was the only butterfly species I encountered here, and only in the open fields of the lodge. Altitude: 1036 metres.…

Cayaponia espelina

Cayaponia espelina

As I got close to the Huanchaca Plateau I noticed many new types of plants compared to further down the slopes of the plateau, and it seemed to increase as I…

Cayaponia espelina

Cayaponia espelina

As I got close to the Huanchaca Plateau I noticed many new types of plants compared to further down the slopes of the plateau, and it seemed to increase as I…

Bell’s Paradise Skipper (Phocides metrodorus)

Bell’s Paradise Skipper (Phocides metrodorus)

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Genoveva Buckeye (Junonia genoveva)

Genoveva Buckeye (Junonia genoveva)

Spotted on the grounds of the now out of business Santa Rosa - Chalalan's neighbor. -14.459677,-67.881708

Adesmia polyphylla

Adesmia polyphylla

Adesmia polyphylla grows on the slopes of the Cerro Tunupa. Full of sticky resin. Altitude: 3989 metres. Native range is Bolivia and Chile.

Adesmia polyphylla

Adesmia polyphylla

Adesmia polyphylla grows on the slopes of the Cerro Tunupa. Altitude: 3989 metres. Native range is Bolivia and Chile.

Adesmia polyphylla

Adesmia polyphylla

Adesmia polyphylla grows on the slopes of the Cerro Tunupa. Altitude: 3989 metres. Native range is Bolivia and Chile.

Lakrismjelt (Astragalus glycyphyllos)

Lakrismjelt (Astragalus glycyphyllos)

Med de mange oppreise og bøyde belgene er fruktsamlingen til Lakrismjelt (Astragalus glycyphyllos) ikke til å ta feil av. Disse vokser ved veikrysset til Sem…

Lakrismjelt (Astragalus glycyphyllos)

Lakrismjelt (Astragalus glycyphyllos)

Bladene til Lakrismjelt (Astragalus glycyphyllos) er store og brede og ser riktig å saftig og velsmakende ut når de er under utvikling. Jeg har smakt, men kan…