Palicourea coriacea

Palicourea coriacea

As I visited at the end of the dry season, the plateau was lush and green. Many of the plants species were in full bloom, like this palicourea coriacea.…

Palicourea coriacea

Palicourea coriacea

As I visited at the end of the dry season, the plateau was lush and green. Many of the plants species were in full bloom. Huanchaca Plateau is also called…

Palicourea sp

Palicourea sp

As I got close to the Huanchaca Plateau I noticed many new types of plants compared to further down the slopes of the plateau, and it seemed to increase as I…

Palicourea sp

Palicourea sp

As I got close to the Huanchaca Plateau I noticed many new types of plants compared to further down the slopes of the plateau, and it seemed to increase as I…

Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)

Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)

The diversity of butterflies here is staggering, and only when I got home did I see that what I briefly in the field thought of as the same species of Adelpha…

Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)

Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)

Identifying the Adelphas is not easy, and in Noel Kempff Mercado National Park they are so plentiful that your analytical skills are really put to the test.…

Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)

Mesentina Sister (Adelpha mesentina)

The diversity of butterflies here is staggering, and only when I got home did I see that what I briefly in the field thought of as the same species of Adelpha…

Adelpha sp

Adelpha sp

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…

Klengemaure (Galium aparine)

Klengemaure (Galium aparine)

Klengemaure (Galium aparine) har som maurer flest små blomster, under 2 cm store. I motsetning til stormauren er blomsterstanden her liten og produserer…

Klengemaure (Galium aparine)

Klengemaure (Galium aparine)

Før blomstring er klengemaure (Galium aparine) gjennkjennelig på de lange, smale og piggete bladene med spiss i enden. Naturlig utbredelse i Makaronesia til…