Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

I haven't been able to find any resource describing which of these two distinctly different facial patterns are male and female, but I assume the first one is…

Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

When a group of 20-30 monkeys rush through the canopy, it's like swarm of sounds and movements. You mostly see some feet, tails, or furry bodies jump in and…

Black-headed squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis)

Black-headed squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis)

Most of the time you hear but don't see the monkeys, as they are in the canopy, high above you in a very sharp background - the sky. If you're lucky you get a…

Black-headed squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis)

Black-headed squirrel monkey (Saimiri boliviensis)

Even though I was in a canoe on the Chalalan lake, and these monkeys were moving through the trees next to the lake, it was very hard to get clear views and…

Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

Black-capped capuchin (Cebus apella)

Yum-yum! If the monkeys are busy eating, they can be quite difficult to spot, and only when they move you'll have an idea of their location by the branches…

Salar de Uyuni starry sky time-lapse

Salar de Uyuni starry sky time-lapse

At this time of year the Milkyway is not as prominent as in the summer months, but there are so many stars to be seen at any time of year at this altitude and…

Salar de Uyuni and The Magellanic Clouds

Salar de Uyuni and The Magellanic Clouds

This was an incredibly windy and cold night, and it was really hard to find a place away from the wind to set up the camera for long exposures. Even with my…

Star trails over Salar de Uyuni

Star trails over Salar de Uyuni

Traveling around the huge salt flats of Salar de Uyuni is no easy task, as the distances are vast and you have to bring all you need including gas for the car,…

Star trails over the Siloli desert

Star trails over the Siloli desert

This is just a few kilometres from the Chilean border and here the sleeping and lodging options are almost non-existent, and being so remote and in a desert…

Siloli desert stars

Siloli desert stars

Being a desert the air is dry, and here you can see starsets! Usually only the sun or moon and the planets shine bright enough to be seen all the way to the…