Madidi toad 01

Madidi toad 01

Most of the toads are very well camouflaged, and during the day you'll see them only if they move. Please help me identify it - leave a comment.…

McDiarmid's Rocket Frog (Allobates mcdiarmidi)

McDiarmid’s Rocket Frog (Allobates mcdiarmidi)

During the day you might not see many frogs, but at night you hear the many frog species around Chalalan. This McDiarmid's rocket frog (Allobates mcdiarmidi)…

Spot-legged poison frog (Epipedobates pictus)

Spot-legged poison frog (Epipedobates pictus)

During the day you might not see many frogs, but at night you hear the many frog species around Chalalan. I spotted this spot-legged poison frog (Epipedobates…

Viola pygmaea

Viola pygmaea

The Condoriri park was a treasure trove of plant species. I wish I had several days here, as my few hours was far from enough to explore all the incredible…

Warty Toad (Rhinella spinulosa)

Warty Toad (Rhinella spinulosa)

Toads are much more drought tolerant than frogs, and can thus tolerate loss of water for much longer. Just a few days ago water was flowing here, and now I met…

Åkerstemorsblom (Viola arvensis)

Åkerstemorsblom (Viola arvensis)

Bladene til åkerstemorsblom (Viola arvensis) ligner svært mye på vanlig stemorsblom (viola tricolor), så beste tiden for identifisering er under blomstring.…

Åkerstemorsblom (Viola arvensis)

Åkerstemorsblom (Viola arvensis)

Åkerstemorsblom (Viola arvensis) vokser i enden av Sandbukta ned mot sjøen, en avrenningsplass med jevn fuktighet og halvskygge mot nordvest, samt her langs…

Krattfiol (Viola mirabilis)

Krattfiol (Viola mirabilis)

Krattfiol (Viola mirabilis) er en velduftende men ikke så vanlig vårglede. Heldigvis husket jeg også i år på å titte innom denne lille bestanden med de…

Bakkefiol (Viola collina)

Bakkefiol (Viola collina)

Bakkefiolen virker sårbar for forandringer, da den i motsetning til de andre fiolartene i området ikke virker like formeringsdyktig. I år synes jeg det virker…