Adesmia polyphylla

Adesmia polyphylla

Adesmia polyphylla grows on the slopes of the Cerro Tunupa. Full of sticky resin. Altitude: 3989 metres. Native range is Bolivia and Chile.

Adesmia polyphylla

Adesmia polyphylla

Adesmia polyphylla grows on the slopes of the Cerro Tunupa. Altitude: 3989 metres. Native range is Bolivia and Chile.

Adesmia polyphylla

Adesmia polyphylla

Adesmia polyphylla grows on the slopes of the Cerro Tunupa. Altitude: 3989 metres. Native range is Bolivia and Chile.

Baccharis tola

Baccharis tola

A few weeks earlier and I would have seen all this as flowers - a beautiful sight I imagine. Baccharis tola seems abundant here, and is undoubtedly able to…

Warty Toad (Rhinella spinulosa)

Warty Toad (Rhinella spinulosa)

Toads are much more drought tolerant than frogs, and can thus tolerate loss of water for much longer. Just a few days ago water was flowing here, and now I met…

Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

My first sight of this group was a couple lying in the dirt road! Completely chilled and did not bother to get up before the car was quite close. Even then…

Maihueniopsis molfinoi

Maihueniopsis molfinoi

When the flower is gone, the remaining part is well protected from being reached, so what species is the fruit aimed at? Only insects and small rodents will…

Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

Vicuña (Vicugna vicugna)

Leaving the Sajama National Park, I had the first sighting of the vicuña (Vicugna vicugna). They were grazing on the top of this hill, and was not…

Lakrismjelt (Astragalus glycyphyllos)

Lakrismjelt (Astragalus glycyphyllos)

Med de mange oppreise og bøyde belgene er fruktsamlingen til Lakrismjelt (Astragalus glycyphyllos) ikke til å ta feil av. Disse vokser ved veikrysset til Sem…

Lakrismjelt (Astragalus glycyphyllos)

Lakrismjelt (Astragalus glycyphyllos)

Bladene til Lakrismjelt (Astragalus glycyphyllos) er store og brede og ser riktig å saftig og velsmakende ut når de er under utvikling. Jeg har smakt, men kan…