Red Tanager (Piranga flava rosacea)

Red Tanager (Piranga flava rosacea)

The color of this bird is like a flash of red in a sea of green! This bird definitely wants to bee seen, and despite several species of bird of prey, the…

Madidi toad 01

Madidi toad 01

Most of the toads are very well camouflaged, and during the day you'll see them only if they move. Please help me identify it - leave a comment.…

McDiarmid's Rocket Frog (Allobates mcdiarmidi)

McDiarmid’s Rocket Frog (Allobates mcdiarmidi)

During the day you might not see many frogs, but at night you hear the many frog species around Chalalan. This McDiarmid's rocket frog (Allobates mcdiarmidi)…

Spot-legged poison frog (Epipedobates pictus)

Spot-legged poison frog (Epipedobates pictus)

During the day you might not see many frogs, but at night you hear the many frog species around Chalalan. I spotted this spot-legged poison frog (Epipedobates…

Warty Toad (Rhinella spinulosa)

Warty Toad (Rhinella spinulosa)

Toads are much more drought tolerant than frogs, and can thus tolerate loss of water for much longer. Just a few days ago water was flowing here, and now I met…

Sisselrot (Polypodium vulgare)

Sisselrot (Polypodium vulgare)

De runde, parvise sporehusene til sisselrot (Polypodium vulgare) er karakteristiske for sisselroten, og er her nesten modnet. Naturlig utbredelse i Madeira,…

Sisselrot (Polypodium vulgare)

Sisselrot (Polypodium vulgare)

Vokser overalt på skrinne plasser, som i fjellsprekker, ur og skrinne kratt på tomten. De vokser både på solrike, vestvendte og tørre plasser og de fuktige og…

Ullbie (Anthidium punctatum)

Ullbie (Anthidium punctatum)

En Ullbie (Anthidium punctatum) finner mat på en stankstorkenebb (Geranium robertianum). Det er ganske mange villbier i området, og jeg ser spesielt en art…