Red-necked Woodpecker (Campephilus rubricollis)

Red-necked Woodpecker (Campephilus rubricollis)

There are many species of woodpecker in Madidi and on the grounds of Chalalan, but this one is by far one of the largest and most powerful. To make it's…

Madidi toad 01

Madidi toad 01

Most of the toads are very well camouflaged, and during the day you'll see them only if they move. Please help me identify it - leave a comment.…

Madidi cicada 02

Madidi cicada 02

Please help me identify it - leave a comment. Madidi cicada 02

McDiarmid's Rocket Frog (Allobates mcdiarmidi)

McDiarmid’s Rocket Frog (Allobates mcdiarmidi)

During the day you might not see many frogs, but at night you hear the many frog species around Chalalan. This McDiarmid's rocket frog (Allobates mcdiarmidi)…

Spot-legged poison frog (Epipedobates pictus)

Spot-legged poison frog (Epipedobates pictus)

During the day you might not see many frogs, but at night you hear the many frog species around Chalalan. I spotted this spot-legged poison frog (Epipedobates…

Madidi Cicada 01

Madidi Cicada 01

Halfway to Chalalan we stopped for lunch on the bank of the Tuichi River, and this was the first and only sight I had of this incredible insect.…

Warty Toad (Rhinella spinulosa)

Warty Toad (Rhinella spinulosa)

Toads are much more drought tolerant than frogs, and can thus tolerate loss of water for much longer. Just a few days ago water was flowing here, and now I met…

Knoppsmåarve (Sagina nodosa)

Knoppsmåarve (Sagina nodosa)

Knoppsmåarve (Sagina nodosa) har tettsittende og oppoverpekende blader på stilkene som nesten ikke er synlige før man bøyer seg ned og går tett på. Det er…

Knoppsmåarve (Sagina nodosa)

Knoppsmåarve (Sagina nodosa)

I år har det vært en særdeles fuktig sommer, og selv om knoppsmåarve (Sagina nodosa) er ekspert på å overleve i fjellsprekker med nærmest fravær av jord, har…

Tunbendel (Spergularia rubra)

Tunbendel (Spergularia rubra)

Tunbendel (Spergularia rubra) er en utrolig liten plante og likeså blomst! Blomstene ser ut til kun å åpnes i sol, og denne sommeren har det vært lite finvær.…