Palicourea coriacea

Palicourea coriacea

As I visited at the end of the dry season, the plateau was lush and green. Many of the plants species were in full bloom, like this palicourea coriacea.…

Palicourea coriacea

Palicourea coriacea

As I visited at the end of the dry season, the plateau was lush and green. Many of the plants species were in full bloom. Huanchaca Plateau is also called…

Palicourea sp

Palicourea sp

As I got close to the Huanchaca Plateau I noticed many new types of plants compared to further down the slopes of the plateau, and it seemed to increase as I…

Palicourea sp

Palicourea sp

As I got close to the Huanchaca Plateau I noticed many new types of plants compared to further down the slopes of the plateau, and it seemed to increase as I…

Red-necked Woodpecker (Campephilus rubricollis)

Red-necked Woodpecker (Campephilus rubricollis)

There are many species of woodpecker in Madidi and on the grounds of Chalalan, but this one is by far one of the largest and most powerful. To make it's…