Bladderwort (Utricularia reniformis)

Bladderwort (Utricularia reniformis)

The leaves are large and very healthy, so this location must be particularly rich in insects. This is a carnivorous plant after all! Altitude: 2460 metres.…

Bladderwort (Utricularia reniformis)

Bladderwort (Utricularia reniformis)

The previous day I found a bladderwort (Utricularia reniformis) high up on a ledge. An unnecessary climb, as there is a veritable garden here - you just have…

Itatiaia lichen (Usnea sp)

Itatiaia lichen (Usnea sp)

The very last couple of kilometres of road to the plateau of Itatiaia National Park is blocked by the park entrance, and even though you can drive to the…

Orcus Checkered-Skipper (Pyrgus orcus)

Orcus Checkered-Skipper (Pyrgus orcus)

Further up the Cristalino River, the first rapids and a small island with a great tree, Cristalino Jungle Lodge has a small farm and here I found several…

Commelina erecta

Commelina erecta

Native range of commelina erecta is America, Africa and Arabia.

Commelina erecta

Commelina erecta

Native range commelina erecta is America, Africa and Arabia.

Blue-crowned Motmot (Momotus momota)

Blue-crowned Motmot (Momotus momota)

Catching a glimpse of the beautiful blue-crowned motmot in front of its nest is really a treat, but with a frog in its beak - wow! That was amazing - thank…

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris)

Langs enkelte av grusveiene i Skogbygda vokser det store bestander av tettegras (Pinguicula vulgaris).

Gytjeblærerot (Utricularia intermedia)

Gytjeblærerot (Utricularia intermedia)

Dette var det eneste stedet ved Sjølitjernet jeg fant en så tett samling gytjeblærerot (Utricularia intermedia). De fleste vokser i tillegg ytterst på de…

Mellomblærerot (Utricularia ochroleuca)

Mellomblærerot (Utricularia ochroleuca)

Hvem skulle tro at disse uanselige vekstene er dødsmaskiner for inseklarver? Utposingene vi ser her kan sikkert oppfattes som at planten er syk. Langt……