Itatiaia Spinetail (Asthenes moreirae)

Itatiaia Spinetail (Asthenes moreirae)

I heard the song of Itatiaia spinetail (Asthenes moreirae) during both my days on the plateau of Itatiaia National Park, but it's really hard to see as it…

Picazuro Pigeon (Patagioenas picazuro)

Picazuro Pigeon (Patagioenas picazuro)

I noticed this picazuro pigeon (Patagioenas picazuro) sitting on the cecropia branch, but it was just the first of a wave of birds. There's quite a large group…

Long-flower Tobacco (Nicotiana longiflora)

Long-flower Tobacco (Nicotiana longiflora)

My last day at Pousada Xaraés, and finally some rain! Not torrential, but at least sufficient to get the ground wet and muddy in some places. As I'm soon to…

Solanum acerifolium

Solanum palinacanthum

Native range of solanum palinacanthum is Bolivia, Brazil to Argentina. This plant has big spines high on its agenda, so apparently the leaves are delicious to…

Solanum acerifolium

Solanum palinacanthum

Native range of solanum palinacanthum is Bolivia, Brazil to Argentina.

Solanum palinacanthum

Solanum acerifolium

Native range of solanum palinacanthum is Bolivia, Brazil to Argentina.