Caricae Nymphidium (Nymphidium caricae)

Caricae Nymphidium (Nymphidium caricae)

On the path close to the new rooms at Cristalino Jungle Logde there was a large asteraceae bush in bloom, and naturally I found many wonderful species there.…

Derufata Nymphidium (Nymphidium derufata)

Derufata Nymphidium (Nymphidium derufata)

On the path close to the new rooms at Cristalino Jungle Logde there was a large asteraceae bush in bloom, and naturally I found many wonderful species there.…

Nymphidium chione

Nymphidium chione

On the path close to the new rooms at Cristalino Jungle Logde there was a large asteraceae bush in bloom, and naturally I found many wonderful species there.…

Cat’s-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis)

Cat’s-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis)

I've shot cat’s-eye sapphire (Lasaia arsis) times before, but I just can't help myself - and this shot I think really shows the splendor of this species!……

Diaphania sp.

Diaphania sp.

One of the last nocturnals before diurnal life set in - I was on my way to breakfast, and it was on its way to a safe place for the day. Please help me…

Amazon Lava Lizard (Tropidurus torquatus)

Amazon Lava Lizard (Tropidurus torquatus)

These lizards were common alongside the path following the Iguaçu Falls.

Emesis sp

Emesis sp

There is a 9 km long trail (Poco Preto trail) from the main road that leads to the Iguaçu river, and for me it was butterfly heaven as I saw so many different…

Cat’s-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis)

Cat’s-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis)

There is a 9 km long trail (Poco Preto trail) from the main road that leads to the Iguaçu river. Here I found this cat's-eye Sapphire (Lasaia arsis) among many…

Theodora Metalmark (Chalodeta theodora)

Theodora Metalmark (Chalodeta theodora)

There is a 9 km long trail (Poco Preto trail) from the main road that leads to the Iguaçu river, and for me it was butterfly heaven as I saw so many different…

Basilis Metalmark (Barbicornis basilis)

Basilis Metalmark (Barbicornis basilis)

There is a 9 km long trail (Poco Preto trail) from the main road that leads to the Iguaçu river, and for me it was butterfly heaven as I saw so many different…