Madre de Dios star trails

Madre de Dios star trails

I stayed many days deep in the Peruvian Amazon, in the biodiverse Madre de Dios region where life is abundant every second of every hour of the day and night.…

Trimezia juncifolia

Trimezia juncifolia

This was the only specimen I found. Native range is central and south Brazil.

Trimezia lutea UV

Trimezia lutea UV

No surprise patterns or reflection/absorbtion in UV compared to visible light. Native range of trimezia lutea is Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil.…

Trimezia lutea

Trimezia lutea

Native range of trimezia lutea is Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil.

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

The summer of 2014 has been the most incredible of all summers perhaps in a generation weather wise, but most of all noctilucent clouds wise. Clear skies…

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Yet another incredible outburst of noctilucent clouds, and still only the beginning of July!…

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

Noctilucent clouds over Oslo

I've been watching the sky every night so far this summer and only seen very vague hints of noctilucent clouds. Last year I did not see any at all. This time I…

Hoppeedderkopp (Heliophanus cupreus)

Hoppeedderkopp (Heliophanus cupreus)

Dette er andre arten av hoppeedderkopp jeg finner på favorittsolplassen! Denne var veldig interessert i å gjemme seg innimellom badehåndklet. Hver gang jeg…

Star trails over Oslo

Star trails over Oslo

Even though the night sky is heavily polluted by the lights of Oslo and its suburbs, there are many stars visible to the naked eye only a few kilometres out of…

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)

Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis)

After a long, gloomy and most of all cloudy winter, spring has arrived and with it longer days and finally clear skies! At 60 degrees north, the chances of…