Gurania makoyana UV

Gurania makoyana UV

No unusual patterns in UV light. Gurania makoyana is the second of two members of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) I encountered here. I found it alongside the…

Gurania sp

Gurania eriantha

Gurania eriantha is the first of two members of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) I encountered here. It too grows on the grounds of the Amazon Research and…

Gurania sp

Gurania eriantha

Gurania eriantha is the first of two members of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) I encountered here. It too grows on the grounds of the Amazon Research and…

Gurania makoyana

Gurania makoyana

Gurania makoyana is the second of two members of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) I encountered here. I found it alongside the path up from the river, and a…

Gurania makoyana

Gurania makoyana

Gurania makoyana is the second of two members of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) I encountered here. I found it alongside the path up from the river, and a…

ARCC plant 01 (Clavija sp)

ARCC plant 01 (Clavija sp)

At first this seemed like a struggling tree species looking for light, but at closer look it was full of flowers and thus at home in the shadows on the forest…

ARCC plant 01 (Clavija sp)

ARCC plant 01 (Clavija sp)

At first this seemed like a struggling tree species looking for light, but at closer look it was full of flowers and thus at home in the shadows on the forest…

Spurvehauk (Accipiter nisus)

Spurvehauk (Accipiter nisus)

En sjelden gang ser jeg silhuetten av en spurvehauk fare som en prosjektil mellom trærne. Andre ganger hørere jeg spetakkelet til småfuglene som varsler om en…

Tjeld (Haematopus ostralegus)

Tjeld (Haematopus ostralegus)

Ved første øyekast ser denne tjelden vital og sunn ut. Desverre lider den hvert eneste minutt av sitt liv! Ta en titt på beina!

Vendehals (Jynx torquilla)

Vendehals (Jynx torquilla)

Vendehals (Jynx torquilla) med store unger! Det er nå juli og ungene maser veldig og "tyter" ut av redehullet, og det virker som om de kan forlate redet når…