Palicourea rigida

The protected areas of Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park is a treasure trove of plant species! Like so many plant species here, the bark of palicourea rigida…

Palicourea rigida

Palicourea rigida

The protected areas of Chapada dos Guimaraes National Park is a treasure trove of plant species! The number of plant species is enormous, and I am really…

Elachistocleis matogrosso

Elachistocleis matogrosso

I encountered an amazing amount of frog species during my stay at SouthWild Pantanal, and think this one has to be the most peculiar of them all. I wonder…

Palicourea sp

Palicourea sp

This is a plant I found alongside one of the trails in the forested areas around SouthWild Pantanal.

Palicourea sp

Palicourea sp

This is a plant I found alongside one of the trails in the forested areas around SouthWild Pantanal.

Sphinctanthus microphyllus

Sphinctanthus microphyllus

Not far from the buildings of SouthWild Pantanal I found this species in large numbers, but only this one with a fresh and vibrant flower. The others were past…

Sphinctanthus microphyllus

Sphinctanthus microphyllus

Not far from the buildings of SouthWild Pantanal I found this sphinctanthus microphyllus in large numbers, but only this one with a fresh and vibrant flower.…

Myrmaure (Galium palustre) UV

Myrmaure (Galium palustre) UV

Disse knøttsmå (2-3 mm store) blomstene er hvite i lyset vi mennesker ser reflektert, mens i UV er de intenst blålige, mens knoppene er svakt blålige når de…