Pierella lena

Pierella lena

I found many butterflies around the dark forest floor of the forest surrounding the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC). Many are so well…

Blue-banded Morpho (Morpho achilles)

Blue-banded Morpho (Morpho achilles)

Morphos are mesmerizing! In flight you see the flash of blue, but when they sit they're invisible as they almost never open the wings and the underside is like…

Queen (Danaus gilippus)

Queen (Danaus gilippus)

Queen (Danaus gilippus) is a truly amazing butterfly, and as I recall the only one of the species I encountered here at SouthWild Pantanal. Here it's visiting…

Caetangil paraguariensis

Caetangil paraguariensis

Caetangil paraguariensis is one of many species in the fabaceae family growing around SouthWild Pantanal. This one I found by the trail along the river, in…

Thoasa Sister (Adelpha thoasa)

Thoasa Sister (Adelpha thoasa)

Another species in the Adelpha genus! Some are very hard to identify as the patterns look very similar, but this thoasa sister (Adelpha thoasa) is of the easy…

Julia (Dryas iulia)

Julia (Dryas iulia)

Julia (Dryas iulia) turned up as I was photographing flowers alongside one of the trails around SouthWild Pantanal.

Eurema agave

Eurema agave

A eurema agave sitting on an inflorescense on a sandbank of the river Cuiaba upriver from Porto Jofre.