Tiriltungeblåvinge (Polyommatus icarus)

Tiriltungeblåvinge (Polyommatus icarus)

I sommer har jeg latt plenen vokse, og med det har det vært store mengder blomster, noe som igjen har ført til flere humler enn jeg noen gang har sett, samt…

Engblåvinge (Polyommatus semiargus)

Engblåvinge (Polyommatus semiargus)

I sommer har jeg latt plenen vokse, og med det har det vært store mengder blomster, noe som igjen har ført til flere humler enn jeg noen gang har sett, samt…

Haghier mountains

Haghier mountains, Socotra

This cow looks out of place high up in the Haghier mountains, but hunger drives it higher and higher until there is nowhere to go. Without the cattle and…

Haghier mountains, Socotra

Haghier mountains, Socotra

If it weren't for the Dragon blood trees (Dracaena cinnabari) this could easily be taken for a high-altitude location perhaps in Eurasia. Judging by the…

Haghier mountains, Socotra

Haghier mountains, Socotra

A Dragon blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari) surrounded by diverse, dense and lush vegetation. These mountains rise to above 1500 meters above sea level and are…

Haghier mountains, Socotra

Haghier mountains, Socotra

The vegetation in the Haghier mountains is dense and very diverse, with many species existing only on Socotra. All of this is possible because these mountains…

Haghier mountains, Socotra

Haghier mountains, Socotra

Socotra is a geologially diverse island, with coastal plains and sand dunes, limestone plateau with deep caves and gorges and the granite Haghier mountains.…

Socotra's montane forest

Socotra’s montane forest

Socotra is known for its hot and dry climate with sand dunes and dragon blood trees, but the island also has a forest! The Haghier mountains of the interior…

African Boxwood (Myrsine africana)

African Boxwood (Myrsine africana)

A most peculiar inflorescence, but with with very attractive color! I found only two plants with this stage of flowering and fresh leaves seen here – all other…

African Boxwood (Myrsine africana)

African Boxwood (Myrsine africana)

A most peculiar inflorescence, but with with very attractive color! I found only two plants with this stage of flowering - all other were passed bloom. Again…