Haghier mountains

Haghier mountains, Socotra

This cow looks out of place high up in the Haghier mountains, but hunger drives it higher and higher until there is nowhere to go. Without the cattle and…

Fringed Rue (Ruta chalepensis) UV

Fringed Rue (Ruta chalepensis) UV

Fringed Rue (Ruta chalepensis) has no special patterns in UV for this flower! Native range is Macaronesia, Mediterranean.

Fringed Rue (Ruta chalepensis)

Fringed Rue (Ruta chalepensis)

I only found fringed rue (Ruta chalepensis) in one specific location on Skand (or Skant) - the highest point on all of Socotra - and was grateful it was in…

Helichrysum sphaerocephalum UV

Libinhania sphaerocephala UV

Libinhania sphaerocephala is very dull in UV compared to the many color variations in visible light. Endemic.

Libinhania sphaerocephala

Libinhania sphaerocephala

Close to the top of Socotra, Skand (or Skand) I found some healthy individuals of libinhania sphaerocephala under some trees, which was a relief as all the…

Oldenlandia balfourii UV

Oldenlandia balfourii UV

The yellow center of the flower of Oldenlandia balfourii is dark in UV, and the white petals are also quite dark. In UV this small flower appears prominent…

Oldenlandia balfourii

Oldenlandia balfourii

Oldenlandia balfourii has such tiny flowers so they are very easy to miss! On the field below the weather station of Skand I found many of them growing under…

Euphorbia socotrana

Euphorbia socotrana

On the highest peaks of Socotra you'll find magnificent deciduous trees like this Euphorbia socotrana. Some were finished shedding leaves whilst others were in…

Trichodesma microcalyx

Trichodesma microcalyx

The smaller plants on top of Socotra were still in good condition, and thus I found flowers in excellent condition compared to the drooping or even dried ones…

Trichodesma microcalyx

Trichodesma microcalyx

The smaller plants on top of Socotra were still in good condition, and thus I found flowers in excellent condition compared to the drooping or even dried ones…