Gjøkesyre (Oxalis acetosella)

Gjøkesyre (Oxalis acetosella)

Om våren kan gjøkesyre (Oxalis acetosella) danne irrgrønne tepper på mørke skogbunner og der det er litt ekstra lys kan de være som matter av hvitveis,…

Withania riebeckii

Withania riebeckii

High above the Detwah lagoon of western Socotra I found a favourite spot just under the cave. Here the landscape was supporting a range of plants, like this…

Withania riebeckii

Withania riebeckii

The fruit of withania riebeckii turns red when ripe. It is endemic to Socotra.

Withania riebeckii

Withania riebeckii

High above the Detwah lagoon of western Socotra I found a favourite spot just under the cave. Here the landscape was supporting a range of plants as the high…