Skjermsveve (Hieracium umbellatum)

Skjermsveve (Hieracium umbellatum)

I natt var det frost og mer frost er i vente - november er tross alt kun to uker unna. Det er slutten for blomster for i år, og nå er det for det meste frø og…

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum is a very hardy plant that I found commonly in the Arher area in the north-east, where it grows close to the ocean and thus the salt. I…

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum is a very hardy plant that I found commonly in the Arher area in the north-east, where it grows close to the ocean and thus the salt.…

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum looks like a mix between Limonium sokotranum (long an circular leaves) and paulayanum (oval and wider than long leaves and leaves about…

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum looks like a mix between Limonium sokotranum (long an circular leaves) and paulayanum (obovate with flattened tip and leaves about half in…

Limonium sokotranum

Limonium sokotranum

Limonium sokotranum is a very hardy and salt tolerant species that I found commonly close to the ocean, as here on the beautiful beach of Shuab in west…

Limonium sokotranum

Limonium sokotranum

Limonium sokotranum is a very hardy and salt tolerant species that I found commonly close to the ocean, as here on the beautiful beach of Shuab in west…