Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum is a very hardy plant that I found commonly in the Arher area in the north-east, where it grows close to the ocean and thus the salt. I…

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum is a very hardy plant that I found commonly in the Arher area in the north-east, where it grows close to the ocean and thus the salt.…

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum looks like a mix between Limonium sokotranum (long an circular leaves) and paulayanum (oval and wider than long leaves and leaves about…

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum

Limonium paulayanum looks like a mix between Limonium sokotranum (long an circular leaves) and paulayanum (obovate with flattened tip and leaves about half in…

Limonium sokotranum

Limonium sokotranum

Limonium sokotranum is a very hardy and salt tolerant species that I found commonly close to the ocean, as here on the beautiful beach of Shuab in west…

Limonium sokotranum

Limonium sokotranum

Limonium sokotranum is a very hardy and salt tolerant species that I found commonly close to the ocean, as here on the beautiful beach of Shuab in west…

Corchorus erodioides UV

Corchorus erodioides UV

Another example of a yellow flower in visible light that is very dark in UV. It is endemic to Socotra.

Corchorus erodioides

Corchorus erodioides

On the hills overlooking the Detwah lagoon on the west coast of Socotra I found many interesting flowers, and luckily some not destroyed by goats, like this…

Corchorus erodioides

Corchorus erodioides

On the hills overlooking the Detwah lagoon on the west coast of Socotra I found many interesting flowers, and luckily some not destroyed by goats, like this…