Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana

During my 14 day stay on Socotra I only found this Caralluma socotrana with a seed pod. And in what an exquisite state! The pod has just opened, and the seeds…

Trachyspermum pimpinelloides

Trachyspermum pimpinelloides

The specimens of trachyspermum pimpinelloides I found close to the beach were small and early in their development, except this one where the seeds were…

Trachyspermum pimpinelloides

Trachyspermum pimpinelloides

The specimens of trachyspermum pimpinelloides I found close to the beach were small and early in their development of inflorescences, which is perhaps the most…

Trachyspermum pimpinelloides

Trachyspermum pimpinelloides

I was in luck to find trachyspermum pimpinelloides with inflorescences! Most were early in their development, and I found them not far from the beach in the…

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana is one of many interesting species I found in a very small area in a valley at 320 meters altitude. A river runs through on the valley…

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana is one of many interesting species I found in a very small area in a valley at 320 meters altitude. A river runs through on the valley…

Caralluma socotrana UV

Caralluma socotrana UV

A mesmerizing flower in shape, texture and color which is almost completely dark in UV. Native range of is East & South Ethiopia to Kenya, Socotra.……