Thamnosma socotrana

Thamnosma socotrana

A most peculiar plant! I only found this plant with fresh flowers, but unfortunately not with open flowers yet. I found it in very steep terrain close to the…

Micromeria remota

Micromeria remota

I wish I had a week on top of Socotra as there are so incredibly many magnificent plants species and many grow only on Socotra! This was the only specimen of…

Micromeria remota

Micromeria remota

I wish I had a week on top of Socotra as there are so incredibly many magnificent plants species and many grow only on Socotra! This was the only specimen of…

Socotra bottle tree (Adenium obesum ssp. socotranum)

Socotra bottle tree (Adenium obesum ssp. socotranum)

Many species of plants on Socotra have evolved seed pods like this, and I don't know why this is a design preferable here, as the content is dispersed by wind…

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana

During my 14 day stay on Socotra I only found this Caralluma socotrana with a seed pod. And in what an exquisite state! The pod has just opened, and the seeds…

Socotran Lavender (Lavandula nimmoi)

Socotran Lavender (Lavandula nimmoi)

To find Lavender on Socotra was not expected, and my mindset was on this being an invasive or at least non-endemic species. But Socotran Lavender (Lavandula…

Socotran Lavender (Lavandula nimmoi)

Socotran Lavender (Lavandula nimmoi)

To find Lavender on Socotra was not expected, and my mindset was on this being an invasive or at least non-endemic species. But Socotran Lavender (Lavandula…

Socotran Lavender (Lavandula nimmoi) UV

Socotran Lavender (Lavandula nimmoi) UV

Socotran Lavender (Lavandula nimmoi) appears much duller in UV compared to visible light. Endemic.

Blepharis spiculifolia

Blepharis spiculifolia

A heavily browsed blepharis spiculifolia. This is what happens when this species is unable to grow out reach for the enormous number of goats on Socotra.…

Leucas virgata

Leucas virgata

I found very few leucas virgata with flowers, and only this one with a health flower and intact foliage. All plants were stunted due to heavy browsing by…