Blue Mountains National park

Blue Mountains National park

I had only 3 nights here in the Blue Mountains, and a limit to how much I could explore during that time. Thus I selected spots close to my hotel, and…

Blue Mountains National Park

Blue Mountains National Park

The Three Sisters of Blue Mountain National Park is perhaps the most known of all landmarks in the park, but for the most part seen from a distance. And from a…

Blue Mountains National Park

Blue Mountains National Park

This morning started with dense fog and no promise of any sun rays. I was greeted with lots of bird sounds, but nothing to see. As the morning progressed, I…

Three Sisters, Blue Mountains National Park

Three Sisters, Blue Mountains National Park

My first morning in this amazing national park was that of utter gloom as the clouds were hanging all the way to the ground - as fog. Weather changes quickly…

Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)

Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus)

This wonderfully colored rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus) is definitely into a balanced diet, as it will gladly take handouts like apples from us…

2016 solar eclipse

2016 solar eclipse

This might appear like any other landscape photo of a gorgeous tropical location, but this image is in fact displaying some of the last effects (and prior to…

2016 Solar eclipse

2016 solar eclipse

This photo is right before the end of totality, and I remember how I was taken completely by surprise when the sun re-appeared - "is it over already?", I…

2016 solar eclipse

2016 solar eclipse

In this shot you can see something amazing that is only possible to see the few seconds before and after totality - when the sun is but a tiny point or line of…

Raja Ampat twilight

Raja Ampat twilight

The amazing thing about the total solar eclipse of 2016 is that on my way to see it I got to see so many amazing islands in the north east of Indonesia. As the…

Wayag dusk

Wayag dusk

I was hoping to have some moments on a nearby beach to enjoy and photograph the sunset, but it was aborted due to some disturbing news from a sister ship full…