Chandra river, Spiti

Chandra river, Spiti

A very different experience when all colors are removed. The water in this river (also called Cheneb river) comes from the glaciers which are slowly releasing…

Chandra river, Spiti

Chandra river, Spiti

The water in this river (also called Cheneb river) comes from the glaciers which are slowly releasing less and less water as the winter approaches. Soon this…

Røsslyng (Calluna vulgaris)

Røsslyng (Calluna vulgaris)

Siden jeg var liten, husker jeg den rikelige blomstringen av røsslyng (Calluna vulgaris) på slutten av sommeren. Og med det surret store mengder humler, bier,…

Skogkløver (Trifolium medium)

Skogkløver (Trifolium medium)

Når du ser en skogkløver (Trifolium medium) tror du kanskje at du har møtt en rødkløver (Trifolium pretense). Den er tross alt rød, og den er en kløver. Men ta…

Rhododendron kesangiae var album

Rhododendron kesangiae var album

Rhododendron kesangiae var album is a beautiful and relatively large leaved species was my first and only encounter and the only one still with newly opened…

Rhododendron falconeri

Rhododendron falconeri

Rhododendron falconeri is perhaps the most impressive of all the rhododendron species I encountered during my travel in Bhutan. Not because it was such a huge…

Adonis davidi

Adonis davidi

This adonis davidi came as a total surprise to me, and only because I finally encountered a rhododendron plant with white flowers accessible to me on the…

Rhododendron thomsonii

Rhododendron thomsonii

There are many species of rhododendron that might pass you by when you’re faced with huge trees of them in bloom so lavishly that you cannot keep your eyes off…

Rhododendron arboreum

Rhododendron arboreum

You can get a lot of information on the local weather patterns and precipitation by simply looking at the type of vegetation, and in some places you will know…

Rhododendron kesangiae

Rhododendron kesangiae

My previous encounter of rhododendron kesangiae was carrying one inflorescence with flowers just opening, but was exceedingly hard to get up and close to. I…