Dochula Pass, Bhutan

Dochula Pass, Bhutan

I was very fortunate to come here in time for the sunrise with a cloudless sky. Very slowly I had a growing idea of the magnificent snowcapped mountains to the…

Dochula Pass, Bhutan

Dochula Pass, Bhutan

The sunrise is almost over, and I was having a hard time deciding which direction to point the camera. Focus on the sunrise in the east above the stupas, and…

Black-throated sunbird (Aethopyga saturata)

Black-throated sunbird (Aethopyga saturata)

Sunbirds are strikingly colorful, and you definitely get associations to the hummingbirds of the New World. Depending on the angle of the light the colors…

Mossy waterfall, Bhutan

Mossy waterfall

There are countless amazing rivers, streams, creeks and waterfalls in Bhutan, but many are inaccessible due to the extremely steep terrain. Most of the larger…

Rhododendron arboretum

Rhododendron arboretum

Sometimes things happen in the blink of an eye, and is in addition completely unexpected. I had stopped at this location to capture an amazingly beautiful…

Fire-tailed sunbird (Aethopyga ignicauda)

Fire-tailed sunbird (Aethopyga ignicauda)

Driving ever higher, seeing more and more frost from last night, together with larger and larger patches of snow, one might not expect to see such lavishly…