Cryptolepis socotrana

Cryptolepis socotrana

Cryptolepis socotrana is a specialist that thrives in the cracks of vertical cliffs around waterways. Their roots find their way deep down the cracks and find…

Cryptolepis socotrana

Cryptolepis socotrana

Cryptolepis socotrana is a specialist that thrives in the cracks of vertical cliffs around waterways, as seen here in Kalesan gorge. Their roots find their way…

Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis)

Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis)

The Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis) can be quite difficult to find as many grow under the protection of a shrub, as this one is. But it is also…

Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis)

Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis)

The Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis) can be quite difficult to find as many grow under the protection of a shrub, as this one is. But it is also…

Cynanchum socotranum

Cynanchum socotranum

I've only occasionally encountered a mature Cynanchum socotranum like this one, but every time Cissus subaphylla has been growing amidst it. It is endemic to…

Caralluma socotrana

Caralluma socotrana

This is my second time on Socotra. I visited at the exact same time 8 years ago in 2015, and same thing - all the caralluma socotranas were past their blooming…

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana

The smaller plant species of Socotra are somewhat easier to find during flowering. But even then they can be tricky to find as they often grow in the shadow of…

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana

The smaller plant species of Socotra are somewhat easier to find during flowering. But even then they can be tricky to find as they often grow in the shadow of…

Socotra plant (Echidnopsis)

Socotra plant (Echidnopsis)

Without flowers it is very difficult to identify the species. Elevation: 612 meters.

Echidnopsis socotrana

Echidnopsis socotrana

The smaller plant species of Socotra are somewhat easier to find during flowering. But even then they can be tricky to find as they often grow in the shadow of…