Scintharista forbesii

Scintharista forbesii

Elevation: 479 meters.

Scintharista forbesii

Scintharista forbesii

Scintharista forbesii is one of two short-horned grasshopper species I encountered. Socotra is home to many species of insects, but I am focusing on flora for…

Scintharista forbesii

Scintharista forbesii

Scintharista forbesii is one of two short-horned grasshopper species I encountered at this location, at 918 meters elevation. Socotra is home to many species…

Acorypha bimaculata

Acorypha bimaculata

Acorypha bimaculata is one of two short-horned grasshopper species I encountered at this location, at 918 meters elevation. Socotra is home to many species of…

Heatwave and only one tree for shade

A herd finding shade under a lone tree

These Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) are huddled together, not for warmth, but in desperation for shade. This was the only tree standing in a vast stretch…

Krattsnegl (Arianta arbostorum)

Krattsnegl (Arianta arbostorum)

I de skogkledte delene av Ekebergskråningen holder fuktigheten lenge, og etter regnvær er det mange ulike snegler å se her, som krattsnegl (Arianta…

Heraclides torquatus

Heraclides torquatus

Noel Kempff Mercado National Park has the river Paraguá as a natural border in the west, and on the shores of the river you'll see a large number of insect…