Argiope sector

Argiope sector

Elevation: 139 meters. Argiope sector

Firhmin Forest, Socotra

Firhmin Forest, Socotra

The dragon blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari) is undoubtedly the most famous of all plant species on Socotra, and you will know immediately this is a unique tree…

Lysende nattskyer - Noctilucent clouds

Lysende nattskyer

Lysende nattskyer er noe som kun kan sees i sommermånedene, og bare rundt 50-70 grader nord og sør, men som likevel ikke er vanlige å se. Dette er skyer som er…

Dzukou Valley, Nagaland & Manipur

Dzukou Valley, Nagaland & Manipur

This landscape is like nothing I’ve ever encountered and is so intensely beautiful and otherworldly! From dawn till dusk the ever changing weather, light and…

Dzukou Valley, Nagaland & Manipur

Dzukou Valley, Nagaland & Manipur

When you first get a glimpse of Dzukou valley you are mesmerized, as it is so different from all the valleys, hills and mountains surrounding it. It is a…

Oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)

Oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis)

As the day is nearing its end, this oriental turtle dove (Streptopelia orientalis) is resting atop this tree stub as it's possibly well fed for the day. If not…