Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae)

Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae)

Oransjegullvinge (Lycaena virgaureae) er et treffende navn på denne vakre sommerfuglen, for oversiden av vingene er virkelig sterkt oransje. Desverre er ofte…

Skogsivaks (Scirpus sylvaticus)

Skogsivaks (Scirpus sylvaticus)

Skogsivaks (Scirpus sylvaticus) vokser i og nær vann, som her i et skogkledt tilsig til Nydammen, nord for Gjersjøen. Naturlig utbredelse i Europa,…

Vorterøyksopp (Lycoperdon perlatum)

Vorterøyksopp (Lycoperdon perlatum)

Sneglene har ingen problemer med piggene på en vorterøyksopp (Lycoperdon perlatum)! Her har en slimete soppspiser tatt et skikkelig jafs før den snek seg…

Sooty Blue Zizeeria knysna

Sooty Blue Zizeeria knysna

There are many species of butterflies on Socotra, and Sooty Blue Zizeeria knysna is one of them. In some areas you can see many of them if there are plenty of…

Eumaeus minyas

Eumaeus minyas

I found many butterflies around the dark forest floor of the forest surrounding the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC). Some so well camouflaged…

Pseudophasma blanchardi

Pseudophasma blanchardi

The forest around the Amazon Research and Conservation Center (ARCC) is teaming with insects and some are really hard to see, like this pseudophasma…

Chaco tree frog (Hypsiboas raniceps)

Chaco tree frog (Hypsiboas raniceps)

During the day it's much harder to find the frogs as you don't have their sounds to hone in on, nor are they sitting out in the sun. In one of the many ponds…

Eleocharis sp

Eleocharis sp

In the more permanent water pools around SouthWild Pantanal, I found good populations of this species. I was in luck and found them in bloom. Please help me…

Chaco tree frog (Hypsiboas raniceps)

Chaco tree frog (Hypsiboas raniceps)

The nights at SouthWild Pantanal were filled with the sounds of frogs of many sizes and colors, and I was lucky to be able to reach this Chaco tree frog…