Skogtordivel (Anoplotrupes stercorosus)

Skogtordivel (Anoplotrupes stercorosus)

Gjødselbillen Skogtordivel (Anoplotrupes stercorosus) treffer jeg regelmessig på turene mine i nærmiljøet, som her like ved Nydammen, nord for Gjersjøen.

African Baconfig (Aizoon canariense)

African Baconfig (Aizoon canariense)

African Baconfig (Aizoon canariense) is inconspicuous but commonly found in sandy plains of the coast and further inland. This is the first I've found with…

Ornate Flycatcher (Myiotriccus ornatus)

Ornate Flycatcher (Myiotriccus ornatus)

Capturing birds in the wild is hard as they rarely get close enough, especially for the smaller of the species like this one. A brief encounter at the San…

Socotra Crotalaria Moth (Utetheisa lotrix ssp. socotrensis)

Socotra Crotalaria Moth (Utetheisa lotrix ssp. socotrensis)

At around 800 meter elevation and up the Euryops arabicus were in bloom and thus a lot of insects gathered to eat from the huge number of flowers. This was one…

Corbichonia decumbens

Corbichonia decumbens

I found this corbichonia decumbens on the riverside of Kalesan gorge, which means it must endure flash floods - impressive! Native range is Dry Tropical and…

Corbichonia decumbens

Corbichonia decumbens

I found this corbichonia decumbens on the riverside of Kalesan gorge, which means it must endure flash floods - impressive! Native range is Dry Tropical and…

Aizoon canariense UV

Aizoon canariense UV

As the petals were gone (I found none in bloom), this photo is more on the developing fruit than a true flower.

Aizoon canariense

Aizoon canariense

Aizoon canariense thrives on the flats close to the ocean, and are very small and inconspicuous. In fact I had to use my macro to see the flowers!

Aizoon canariense

Aizoon canariense

Aizoon canariense thrives on the flats close to the ocean, and are very small and inconspicuous. In fact I had to use my macro to see the flowers as the petals…

Blue-billed Black Tyrant (Knipolegus cyanirostris)

Blue-billed Black Tyrant (Knipolegus cyanirostris)

A brief encounter with Blue-billed Black Tyrant (Knipolegus cyanirostris). On the way to the Itatiaia park entrance, towards Agulhas Negras, you'll find the…