Orange-bellied Euphonia (Euphonia xanthogaster)

Orange-bellied Euphonia (Euphonia xanthogaster)

With the same color combination as the thick-billed euphonia (Euphonia laniirostris), the orange-bellied euphonia (Euphonia xanthogaster) might be difficult to…

Orange-bellied Euphonia (Euphonia xanthogaster)

Orange-bellied Euphonia (Euphonia xanthogaster)

With the same color combination as the thick-billed euphonia (Euphonia laniirostris) it might be difficult to separate it from the orange-bellied euphonia…

Spot-crowned Euphonia (Euphonia imitans)

Spot-crowned Euphonia (Euphonia imitans)

A female foraging for fruits. Its plumage ensures it blends perfectly with the foliage, and is best seen if you offer fruits or have a preferred fruiting tree…

Olive-backed euphonia (Euphonia gouldi)

Olive-backed euphonia (Euphonia gouldi)

A small bird blending perfectly with the foliage of the canopy where it forages for fruits. The best way to get up close is to offer a selection of fruits in…

Angolan giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis)

Angolan giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis)

In Namibia's Etosha National Park, there are huge areas with hardly any vegetation at all, and finding Angolan giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis angolensis) and…

Dark-breasted rosefinch (Procarduelis nipalensis)

Dark-breasted rosefinch (Procarduelis nipalensis)

Dark-breasted rosefinch (Procarduelis nipalensis) is a beautiful high-elevation dweller, seen here around the Tungnath temple during the full moon of April…

Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos)

Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos)

I found quite a few of the common sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos) in the small mangrove lagoon in the Shuab valley of western Socotra. They are migrants and…

Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)

Whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus)

A few places rock of unusual colors come up to the surface on the beaches of Peru, and here an entire beach is red by this rock. It has become so popular with…

Frømelde (Chenopodium polyspermum)

Frømelde (Chenopodium polyspermum)

Dette er første gang jeg har kommet over frømelde (Chenopodium polyspermum). Den vokser i søkket i Sandbukta – sammen med bringebær og tistler. Det er dypt og…