Paraerva microphylla

Paraerva microphylla

Paraerva microphylla is Endemic to Socotra. Elevation: 16 meters.

Mountain Knotgrass (Ouret lanata)

Mountain Knotgrass (Ouret lanata)

Elevation: 542 meters. Native range of Mountain Knotgrass (Ouret lanata) is Africa to tropical Asia.

Mountain Knotgrass (Ouret lanata)

Mountain Knotgrass (Ouret lanata)

Native range of Mountain Knotgrass (Ouret lanata) is Africa to tropical Asia. Elevation: 542 meters.

Oreofraga morrisiana

Oreofraga morrisiana

Oreofraga morrisiana is endemic to Socotra.

Peucedanum cordatum

Peucedanum cordatum

The vertical cliffs of Socotra are very important safe havens for many plant species on Socotra as there they are safe from goats. Thus they are able to grow…

Oreofraga morrisiana

Oreofraga morrisiana

The north-facing cliffs of the north-west of Socotra are home to many species that thrive in the cracks of the vertical cliffs. They are out of reach for the…

Peucedanum cordatum

Peucedanum cordatum

The vertical cliffs of Socotra are very important safe havens for many plant species as there they are safe from goats. Thus they are able to grow and disperse…

Peucedanum cordatum

Peucedanum cordatum

The vertical cliffs of Socotra are very important safe havens for many plant species, including this Peucedanum cordatum, as there they are safe from goats.…

Peucedanum cordatum

Peucedanum cordatum

The vertical cliffs of Socotra are very important safe havens for many plant species on Socotra as there they are safe from goats. Thus they are able to grow…