Iphigenia socotrana

Iphigenia socotrana

My first encounter of Iphigenia socotrana, and what a perfect specimen! 22 October 2023 cyclone Tej hit Socotra, and with it extreme amounts of rain inundated…

Cyananthus incanus

Cyananthus incanus

Cyananthus incanus is found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 5300 meters elevation. Elevation: 3721 meters. Native range is Central Himalaya to China…

Campanula aristata

Campanula aristata

Campanula aristata is found in Sikkim's temperate to alpine biomes to 5000 meters elevation. Elevation: 3721 meters. Native range is Afghanistan to Central…

Codonopsis ovata

Codonopsis ovata

Codonopsis ovata is found in Sikkim's subalpine biome. Elevation: 4831 meters. Native range is Central Asia to West Himalaya.

Codonopsis ovata

Codonopsis ovata

Codonopsis ovata is found in Sikkim's subalpine biome. Elevation: 4831 meters. Native range is Central Asia to West Himalaya.

Codonopsis ovata

Codonopsis ovata

Codonopsis ovata is found in Sikkim's subalpine biome. Elevation: 4483 meters. Native range is Central Asia to West Himalaya.

Rhinoceros Beetle

Rhinoceros Beetle

During my 4 nights at Hotel do Ype, this night stood out as a particularly busy in regard to number of insects. It was very humid - the clouds were low - and…

Headlight Beetle (Pyrophorus nyctophanus)

Headlight Beetle (Pyrophorus nyctophanus)

The glowing larvas of the headlight beetle (Pyrophorus nyctophanus) is such a little known annual display in Oct/Nov in some of the forests bordering the…

Pelidnota sordida

Pelidnota sordida

A brief encounter with pelidnota sordida, one of countless insect species in this magnificent park.

Tjønnaks (Potamogeton natans)

Tjønnaks (Potamogeton natans)

Tjønnaks (Potamogeton natans) har en uanselig frukt som spres med vannet først og fremst, men fugler er også involvert - jeg vet dog ikke hvilke arter som…